It offers practical and theorefral knowledge about the daignosis ,treatment , and prevention of varreous diasese with the help of central laboratory tests. the interesting paramedical program allows our students to perform multiple diognoses on body fluids which include hematology,immunology bacteriology chemical and microscope .the course also imparts knowledge of sample collection,yesting,documentation and reporting. AIM :- To edrcate and from young students with the eaisting and emerging concept of paramedral and allied health science in respect to medical laboratory science. Name of Course Duration Affiation No of seats :- Sr.No. Name of Course Duration Affialion No of seats 1 BSc in medical laboratory (08 seamester) 04 years ABVMU Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 30 Medical laboratory Science course have a wide variely of responsibiltion and dutios Including:- Examining and analyzing blood, body fluids, tissues and cells. Relaying test results to physiclam. Cross- mafehing blood for fransfusion. Monitoring patient outwne. Uttizing micro swpic cell counters, and ofher high precision lab equipnent. Our student perform complex tests on patient samples using suphistrated equipment lifce micro scopes:- The date they find plays an imposfant nole in identifying and freating eancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other medical condifrons. Labs, Liboratory and Infrostructure:- Bachelor in medral lab Science department academic block has 08 centrally as conditioned lechere theaters amphetheater arrangement. (Each has a capacity of 90 students) with overhead projeactor installed for integrated Digital classes. Our laboratories which offers highly advanced trainrg atmospheres to its student also encowcages research work for our academic staff. Central and Departmental library with mose than 1500 books. Activities:- Our department actively involves in various activities and researches. we successfully organised workshops.